Didn’t realize that Mountain Project had a Google Maps widget that uses OpenLayers.

The Administration Views module is a significant improvement out of the box for content editors, providing a starting point for building a much more useful content administration tool. Because it provides a set of Views displays, it’s easy to extend.  However, if you’re trying to export your views using Features you’ll runContinue Reading

The “Dev Seed Stack” consists of a set of modules originally built by Development Seed, which are responsible for much of the reason that Drupal is capable of being maintainable at an enterprise level. The fundamental principle behind the stack is mitigating risk through increased code-level control over a DrupalContinue Reading

“OK, you’re all set.”   I appreciate efficiency.  I appreciate people who are good at what they do.  My mechanic, the guys who replaced my apartment windows this morning, the chef at a decent restaurant: people who have their process down to a science keep the creature comforts of theContinue Reading

For Drupal sites of any size, even a relatively small amount of traffic can lead to unfortunate page load times.  For the number of db calls each page requires, you’ll be looking at some poor performance and hungry visitors.  A quick jaunt into Memcached and Varnish and your site humsContinue Reading

If Senate Republicans have anything to say about it, the definition of ‘material support’ to designated terrorist organizations would extend to digital territory, in the form of social media according to the Hill recently.  “Allowing foreign terrorist organizations like Hamas to operate on Twitter is enabling the enemy,” Poe said inContinue Reading

Finding out that your own name, the one you diligently snapped up on gmail, bought the domain for years ago, even wrangled accounts across the board in all the places you thought you might need, was available when you selected a twitter handle, is REALLY annoying.   After using theContinue Reading

How do you complete user testing when the interns are busy and no one has time? Selenium IDE for Firefox. Selenium IDE is Firefox addon that provides an automated testing tool for websites. Since it runs in the browser it can verify page structure, perform browser actions, and even runContinue Reading

Matthew Inman has stumbled upon – and now seized on – something extremely interesting: people who like and support a brand throw money at causes it celebrates. Earlier this year, the creator of theOatmeal.com saw an impressive out-pouring of support for his irreverent response to a frivolous lawsuit. (Read theContinue Reading