The Administration Views module is a significant improvement out of the box for content editors, providing a starting point for building a much more useful content administration tool. Because it provides a set of Views displays, it’s easy to extend.  However, if you’re trying to export your views using Features you’ll runContinue Reading

The “Dev Seed Stack” consists of a set of modules originally built by Development Seed, which are responsible for much of the reason that Drupal is capable of being maintainable at an enterprise level. The fundamental principle behind the stack is mitigating risk through increased code-level control over a DrupalContinue Reading

For Drupal sites of any size, even a relatively small amount of traffic can lead to unfortunate page load times.  For the number of db calls each page requires, you’ll be looking at some poor performance and hungry visitors.  A quick jaunt into Memcached and Varnish and your site humsContinue Reading

So, while playing with the membership role updates in Civi, I noticed that my cron job was running, but the membership status wasn’t updating as it should be. A look at the logs told me: PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘/opt/prod/’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php’) in /opt/prod/ on line 110 WellContinue Reading