Dan McEwan

Programmer, Artist, Historian

Spotify native client for Fedora no more – alien to the rescue?

After mistakenly removing the Spotify native client a few days ago, I found myself stumbling through the dark and running into a brick wall – the rpm repo had disappeared! It seems that the guys at Spotify had been working on the Linux client in their spare time and the guy who was handling the rpm got in a car accident – completely unfortunate! I hope he’s doing better and they’ll hop back on keeping more than the .deb version available.

For better or worse, I’ve become pretty reliant on Spotify as a go-to music source for home and work and it’s great for maintaining playlists and song selection across devices. I don’t think it’ll be too long before I upgrade to the premium version for offline and mobile support. Letting it drop wasn’t really going to happen and Despotify doesn’t seem to support playlists yet, so it seems that Wine is the current solution. Though that’s what I’m using at the moment and it seems to work fine, I will probably take a look at converting the .deb using Alien to see if I can drop Wine from the equation.

Project for another night.

Yeah, so the latest update to the windows client seems to be unreliable at best in wine, so Alien is looking more and more necessary.

  • Coronet boxes
  • Raid chest
  • Coat rack
  • A Japanese-inspired Cantilever Bench
  • Camp
  • Leaves