Everybody has their own preferences, here are mine… at the moment.

Having just finished the first pass at a single site xml RSS feed reader for Android, I can say that the world of mobile technology is stunningly impressive. To draw a quick comparison, less than a year ago I was using a phone (albeit overpowered for lack of paying forContinue Reading

This is pretty impressive. I might want to check on extending the capabilities, depending on what Blog API can do. The app does allow taxonomy, so I suspect there is a significant amount of extensibility based on cck fields.

    Following the expulsion of the last Frankish stronghold at Acre in 1291, Europe considered the Levant and North Africa little more than a highway to the economic prosperity of South Asia epitomized by Bonaparte�s campaign at the conclusion of the eighteenth century. Understanding the European view of the Ottoman stateContinue Reading

A portion of the works sited from my undergrad thesis Saladin’s Historiographic Supremacy: The Usurpation of Nur ad-Din’s Revolutionary Holy Warfare

The book Ordinary Men is an apt read these days. Reading various posts and articles (from both the objecting citizen and responsible agent) relating to support or abuse of individuals participating in otherwise civil liberty-infringing or otherwise ethically questionable actions, it seems like we’re toying with the gray area inContinue Reading

A quick script in case you need to need to ask what God hath wrought. Link to GitHub Project #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #convert a string of input text to morse code import serial #morse code array morseDict = { ‘a’:’13’, ‘b’:’3111′, ‘c’:’3131′, ‘d’:’311′, ‘e’:’1′, ‘f’:’1131′, ‘g’:’331′, ‘h’:’1111′,Continue Reading